Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Tomorrows Inspiration

I have found a poem on the Internet, author unknown and I am going to use that for the inspiration for tomorrows Christmas cards.

I made myself a snowman, as perfect as can be,
I thought I'd keep it as a pet, and let it sleep with me.
I made it some pyjamas, and a pillow for his head.
Then last night it ran away, but first ~ it wet the bed!

I did manage to make some lovely cards yesterday, only 4 as I had the help!! of Sassy cat AKA asbo.
I will upload the new additions to my gallery after the weekend as my son took away the battery charger for my camera and ALL of the re-chargeable batteries on his sailing trip, my fault I know as I asked him to take lots of piccies & I would scrapbook his trip for him.
Well I am off to play in my craft room.....I have sorted Abi out with a new Wii game and some Hannah Montanna books, that should be enough for a couple of hours crafting.
Happy Crafting

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