Search by either company name or telephone number and this will give you the 01 or 02 number for customer services.
All companies have to have an 01 or 02 number before being allocated an 0870 or 0845 number.
Search by either company name or telephone number and this will give you the 01 or 02 number for customer services.
All companies have to have an 01 or 02 number before being allocated an 0870 or 0845 number.
01 and 02 geographic numbers. Internet and national marketing campaigns target a national audience. An 0800 number allows your business to be called from anywhere in the UK at no cost to your prospective customer. This gives you national coverage and removes the twin barriers of call cost and perceived distance for enquirers. As your business grows any re-location in coming years will be less disruptive as 0800 numbers avoid the costs and confusion of having to change your main business telephone number when you re-locate especially to another std. code area.