Tuesday, 30 September 2008


Firstly let me apologise for being such a bad blogger lately. No excuses, just reasons.
Firstly real life has taken over and cyber life has been put to one side for a while. I have worked somewhere in the excess of 70+ hours overtime this month & as much as I love my job it has seriously eaten into my ME! time. Work is very bust at the moment with all of the Halloween stock arriving, I had fun making a display to promote all of our Halloween goodies. We have Christmas stock arriving everyday, some lines already having sold out a couple of times already.
I am also trying to get organised for 10 days in the sun, but having looked at the weather report for Corfu I may just pack a jacket as they have had rain all day despite it being 25 degrees.
Abi & I have been to a couple of demo's on the last couple of Saturdays by Docrafts & Trimcrafts, both were excellent and we both picked up some great new ideas. I have noticed that paper folding / origami is cropping up in a lot of the demo's lately.
As a result I only have a few new cards to upload.

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