Sunday, 7 September 2008

Christmas 2008

I have decided this year that I need to be more creative with my time management running up to Christmas, so for the first time ever I have decided to make my personal cards for the family ( 100+ cards ) that we never see all the same, well from 2 Stampin up sets I have chosen and in a pastel colour scheme. I have decided this is the best way to make time for creating the personal keepsake cards for my immediate family & the 3 Baby's first Christmas cards I need to make.
As everyone knows I make handmade cards I know they would be offended if they get a shop bought card and they would be wondering what they had done to upset me.
I also hope to make tree decorations, place settings & some of my special reindeer food cards, so saving time is essential.

Does anyone else have this problem


  1. Yes, yes and yes! LOL I keep telling myself I need to start DOING (not just thinking about doing) in August... but alas, that never seems to happen!

  2. Ahhh, I always run out of time. I never do everything I want for the holidays.
    Thanks for reminding me that I need to get back to doing some Christmas cards.:-)
