Tuesday, 25 November 2008

New Christmas Strategy

I think I have devised a strategy for a stress free Christmas.
I propose that Christmas should be regionalised, by that I mean on the 25th of every month a different county would have Christmas day & boxing day.
Just think of all of the plus points this would have.
  • Father Christmas would be employed 12 months of the year.
  • The post office would no longer have one peak period a year making it easier to maintain staffing levels.
  • There would always be a shopping centre that had Christmas items for sale, allowing you to spread the cost over 12 months. Also if you were a real bah humbug type of person you could always shop somewhere that wasn't celebrating Christmas & completely avoid the festive season altogether.
  • Seasonal products like mince pies would be available all year, avoiding the gluttony of Christmas & extra weight gain over a few short weeks.
  • Less trolley rage in the supermarkets as the big day gets closer.
  • You could always find a county that wasn't celebrating Christmas & shop there, making for easier car parking, No checkout queues & less demented shoppers all trying to buy the top toy that's been sold out for past 3 months.
  • Delivery times from mail order companies would remain the same all year & not become back logged by the sheer volume of parcels at Christmas time.
  • If you wanted to use your Christmas lights to decorate your pergola in the summer, you could buy replacement bulbs all year.
  • I wouldn't have to spend whole weekends trying to make all of my Christmas cards, I could do some every month (I know I could anyway, but how many of us are that disciplined)
So what do you think? I think that this should be given some serious thought.

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