Monday, 2 February 2009

Great Impressions

I was having a tidy & organise of some old stamps when I came across these two, they were part of the stamp of the month promotion from last February, I think I bought about 8 stamps as the display cards were so lovely. I made these two cards last night & then spent the evening trawling through the Internet trying to find an online stockist for the "Great Impressions Stamp of the month collection" as I fancy some of this months stamps, so if anyone knows who stocks Great Impressions please put me out of my misery.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I like them stamps. who would have thought that a stamp of a dandelion (I think thats what it is) seed pod could make such a lovely card. I really like the one with the vellum overlap.
    Jacqui xx
