Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Open House

Please help me celebrate my 1st Stampin up party as a demonstrator.

Come & join my cupcake party............ Yes we will be eating cupcakes as well as using the the "crazy for cupcakes set" for make & takes

See the new Stampin up Mini catalogue.

Make & takes

Door prize & the usual mix of crafty chatter.

Anyone bringing me a card made with a Stampin up product will qualify for a 5% discount on purchases made on the day.

Friday 17th April

I propose to have 2 sessions
1 - 4 pm

7 - onwards



Please RSVP which session you would like to attend So I know how many cupcakes to make.


  1. I'll have the twins but would love to come xxxxx

  2. good luck Lisa I wish I were near you! :) Have a great party
