Monday, 15 June 2009

My Fav's

Taking inspiration from Janes blog I thought I'd play along

What is your favorite book? Bookends by Jane Green
What is your favorite song? Oh thats hard I guess it's out of two. Don't stop me now & the song I want played at my final farewell, I did it my way!
What is your favorite color? Pink any shade of pink....If it's not pink it's not worth having, but I am lovin all of the lovely limey greens at the moment but I know thats just a phase.
What is your favorite destination? relaxin & it made me realise a lot about myself whilst I was there.
What is your favorite memory? I dont really have a good memory, but I guess it's time spent with family & friends.
What is your favorite TV show? I'm a sucker for reality TV, I love Im a celebrity& Britains got talent.
What is your favorite movie? Aw! just one, I guess being an eternal romantic Ghost, the scene at the potters wheel
What is your favorite food? Food shared with friends especially outdoors with the sun shining.
What is your favorite desert? Thats another hard one as i love most things sweet, just as long as they dont have cream on them.
What is your favorite treat? Craft stash or time out to craft.
What is your favorite car? Not really a car person but if I had to choose something simple like a metallic pink beetle, I always wanted an old style one with a custom paint job to look like a ladybird.
What is your favorite piece of clothing? Jeans & birkenstocks
What is your favorite fashion accessory? My Pandorra bracelet & my Hot diamonds Bracelet, both sentimental gifts from my husband
What is your favorite perfume? Burberry summer~ the mens version
What is your favorite leisure activity? Walking on the beach with a camera in my hand.
Who is your favorite author? James patterson & Jane Green & katie Fforde
Who is your favorite actor/actress? Bruce willis
Who is your favorite singer? I guess if its anyone it still has to be Donny Osmond, but I now have a very eclectic taste in music
Who is your role model? Anyone strong and independant
Where is your favorite place to be? Beach but not to sunbathe!

Jane made a fabulous little box / mini book about her favourite things after filling in this post, I think it is a great prompt for inspiration.

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