Thursday, 10 June 2010

New fabrics have just arrived

For the past week I have been stalking the postman, well thats the way it feels, just over a week ago I ordered these beautiful Riley & Blake fabrics from America to start making Halloween bunting & today they have arrived. Just one more pack to come & I can start the halloween bunting. I dont know wether to use black tape or to dye some lime green, or orange maybe, what do you think?

The fabrics are from a range called Boo to you available from 

Now just because I shared that link with you I take absolutely no responsibility if you choose to follow the link & subsequently get a letter from you bank manager about your severe overspend. Delivery only took 8 days so I was really pleased & I got some free charms of Fabrics that are lovely for boys.

1 comment:

  1. What are you like!!!!! Hoping to start my bunting this weekend!
