Saturday, 13 November 2010

Convention the pictures

As you've probably gathered from my previous posts 
Convention was awesome & I came back so positive & full of creative energy I amazed myself. But Sunday I was just wiped out with a Migraine & was rough all day, so this is me trying to get up to date with my posts and share convention with you. At  convention  we eat, swap, laugh, share ideas, inspire each other, learn new techniques...oh gosh, it's a full on couple of days spent in the company of other demonstrators from all over the UK, France and Germany. 
Myself, Michelle & Sharon on awards night

Cedar of Lebanon so Huge it had to be supported

Cedar of Lebanon so Huge it had to be supported

The Marquee that became our home for two days

The great Hall

Sharon preparing for the make & Takes

Ready steady craft

Sharon, Carole & Jacqui

Jacqui & Michelle

The amazing sight that greeted our 5 coaches on the drive up towards Addington Palace.

This is what it's all about

Addington Palace awaiting the invasion from over 300 Stampin' Up demonstrators

I would have loved one of these in my convention bag
Carole & Rebecca awaiting the start of the first session on Friday

Carole, Monica & Rebecca all passionettes
Some of Monica's team of Passionettes on stage for a photo call.
One of the hi lights on convention for me was meeting  Shelli & see here make & take projects that she did on Main stage.

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