Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What a funny week

This week has already been a very strange week for me, firstly i'm home alone all week. Paul is away for work, Abi is in Cologne for half Term with my Sister in Law & Brother In law & Dan although he hasn't lived at home for two & a half years is over In America with the Company he is working for during his year in industry whilst doing his Degree. I too was supposed to be in Germany with Stampin' Up from Tomorrow, but sadly missed out as the places filled up in record time, So I have the next six days off work & intend to make the most of them.

As if all of that isn't unusual enough in this ever busy household I went to a haunted Inn at Bungay on Monday night to do some Paranormal Investigating. The Inn which I wont name was strange, it was a huge building date back many hundreds of years, but we were the only 3 members of the public in the bars, which I guess for a Monday night maybe wasn't so strange. But when we walked in it was like walking into a movie set where they had the remnants of the set from the Adams family & Scooby Doo a scary Movie ! We kept lifting up the net curtains to make sure that the dry cleaners across the road was still there & we hadn't entered a parallel dimension, because it sure felt weird.

After the guided tour we were free to wander round unaccompanied, we did some experiments and took some readings & at one stage the EMF meter went off the scale & the temperature reading dropped by 20 degrees, The readings cannot be explained, but I felt nothing except incredibly cold, usually I have experienced strange noises like a skipping rope swishing or the smell of Lavender or the smell of cookies baking & even on one occasion I found tears streaming from my eyes for no apparent reason, looked round & two other women in the group were experiencing exactly the same thing, but I can truthfully say that all I felt was cold. I wonder if we were invited for publicity purposes & the characters in the bar were genuine employees. Maybe I will never know but it did take me hours to get warm again when I got home.

Well I intend  to make the most of my time home alone and get Christmas samples made, some crochet for the blanket i'm making done and also some sewing. I intend to make some Christmas Bunting & also some felt decorations for the Christmas tree I usually have in my hall, although I do need to find a new slimline tree this year as my black Fibre optic tree died last year. I think the felt decorations are the wisest choice as the two youngest cats are such characters i'm sure the tree will be decorated & re-decorated many times before the big day.

Well so far today I have managed a couple of cards & a small garland which id currently drying, so here are the cards I'm sharing today.
Back out with the scentsational seasons set today after finding some amazing inspiration on the internet.

Well we are nearly at the end of another month, Have you started your Christmas cards yet?
If not I'm running a Christmas card Making class on a Thursday night during November & Early December, drop me a line for further details.

Stampin' Hugs until tomorrow

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