Sunday 21 October 2007

A Craftaholic’s Prayer

A Craftaholic’s Prayer

Dear Lord,

I’m going to need some notice

Before my days are done.

You see, I’m a craftaholic.

A fact not known to some.

My craft room, it is bulging

All corners, crannies and nooks

There's loads of boxes under the bed,

I hope no one ever looks

I tell myself when shopping,

“No more craft bits today,”

But the craft shops are like magnets

Drawing me their way.

I’m totally at their mercy

Just "need" a dozen of each.

Then I hurry home to hide them

Before the family starts to preach.

So Lord, I’ll need a little time

To dispose of all this stuff.

And Lord, can we just keep all of this,

Between the two of us

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