Sunday 8 November 2009

Where did October Go?

Where did October go?

October thankfully has gone & we hope for a better November with more highs & less lows. Its always a hard month for us as a family as we have the anniversary of both my dad & Pauls dad. Then Pauls Birthday he turned 50 this year and we went out for a
lovely family meal to one of our favourite restaurants mambo Jambo's.

Earlier in the month was a definate high when I did a day retreat with Dawn and made some lovely projects.
Then we had the low of my Mum being rushed into hospital, she had been in hospital for 4 days before anyone contacted me so you can imagine how I felt & only when she had to sign the consent form for major surgery did she tell them I was her next of kin.
So a trip to Reading to see her & try & get to the bottom of what was happening, all of this was just 2 days before the anniversary of my Dad, so the train journey was filled with apprehension. Thankfully she is now hme from Hospital & is recovering as expected, hopefully the battles with social services over her care are now sorted & she will continue to make progress.

Then we did manage a few days away at Hopton but sadly during our few days away we had the news that Pauls uncle had died, this affected Paul badly as he is now the oldest male member of the family at 49, so we came home from holiday early.

Half term was lovely as we had Abi's Boyfriend Jakee visiting & Pauls 50th Birthday. On the Saturday after half term Jake went off to make his first run on the drag strip in the Camaro, he said it was an amazing experience & once Abi had spoken to him she stopped fretting.


Last Sunday we went back to Bracknell to visit my Mum & try to sort out her care package. Whilst we were there we had a lovely family lunch with James, kerry & the boys & pauls cousin Louise who had come all the way from Australia for the funeral.

Wednesday saw us back to Bracknell again for the funeral which thankfully went without a hitch & gave us a chance to catch up with family & friends.

So all i can say is I am glad it's now November & hopefully back to somewhere near normal. You never know maybe the next post may actually contain a craft project or two, I think I will need a map to get to my craft room.

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