Saturday 24 April 2010

I need a new challenge

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to let me know how much tou've enjoyed my collection of punch art, i'm quite sad that April my self inflicted punch art month is drawing to a close, I am already working on Halloweeen & Festive punch art for later in the year when they become more time appropriate.
So I am just sitting here pondering what May's challenge should be?
I value your feedback so please let me know if you have any ideas.


  1. ummmm along the ounch theme again, evry card you make has to use a punch. to make it more difficult pick a certain shape punch.... or use a brad on every card

  2. I would love to see different ribbon ideas ... or different ways of adding a phrase to your card??? There you go ... ideas for the next two months!!! Hugs, Andrea xxx

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