Thursday 11 November 2010

Our All day event ~ 31st October 2010

It seems like a whole lifetime ago now but back in October the 31st to be exact we ran an all day Stampin' Up experience event.
Sharon, Michelle  I work together on these events & this one was our third.

Here we are before the event started. I meant to have got a picture at the end of the day as I can assure you we did not look this fresh.

Here is a closer look at our display.

A beautiful easy card as an Ice breaker to get everyone warmed up

Outside of Christmas notebook

Inside of Christmas Notebook ~ Ready for my lists

Stamped Christmas Candle

And these are some of the projects we did during the day.

Lastly these are just some of the lovely ladies who attended all showing off their bags they made. I’m so jealous of them as they are much better than my effort.

If you like what you see & want to book a provisional place at our next event in February then get in touch with me.

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