Thursday 18 November 2010

Table top Christmas tree

I am busy putting the final touches to my two Christmas events. I have two special evenings planned for my stampers 10 & stampers 6 groups. The dates for these are Monday 6th December or Thursday 9th December at 7pm.
Whilst searching for inspiration I came across these table top tree's, so I decided to have a go.
The base of this tree is a 9cm polystyrene cone that cost just 90p from an Art & craft supplier.
You need approximately 2 sheets of designer series paper measuring 6" x 12" For the eagle eyed amongst you, yes these are last years Christmas papers, I just haven't taken delivery yet of this years Christmas papers, any day now they will be here so watch out for more Christmas projects.
The strips of paper are 1.5cm wide x 4cm long.
Top tip Wear a thimble or thumb guard as I now have a very sore thumb. 
I painted the cone with a brown paint to look like the tree trunk before starting, so if there are any gaps, the white polystyrene wont show through, I used a decorating paint sample with a sponge applicator, very quick & not very messy.
I used two patterns that were double sided, so a total of four designs, I followed a pattern as i'm not very good at random! 
Fold each piece of paper ( NOT creasing ) using a snail on the tip of each strip join together, I found it easier to make all of these little pieces first.
Using sequin pins ( They are shorter ) starting at the bottom pin the first row in place, then start on the second row putting it slightly offset. Carry on until the very top. 
The top isn't the tidiest so I made a floppy bow.

The next tree I am going to make I will make with Ribbon pieces.

If you decide to make a tree, please send me a link to the pictures.

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