Sunday 27 March 2011

Double twisted Easel card

Double twisted Easel card ~ Top view
Do you ever have one of those days when inspiration strikes & you are in the middle of something else & cannot act on the inspiration. Well that happened to me this week, I have had a busy week with work, & a stampers 10 class & then I have also hurt my back which is still very tender and a real nuisance as I have been trying to excercise , but the other evening inspiration struck about two new card folds, I had to go into the craft room about 10pm on my way to bed & make the basic design out of scrap card before I forgot what I was trying to achieve.
I have made a few of the twisted Easel cards that I first saw on Monicas blog, but I had the idea to make a double twisted Easel card.

This is the prototype Double twisted Easel card.
Front View

Side view

Cherry Cobbler
Whisper White
Basic Black
Crumb Cake

Cherry Cobbler
Crumb cake
Soft Suede

Artistic Etchings
Perfect punches

Love letters DSP
Basic pearls

Scallop circle punch
1" circle punch
Water spray
Close up of punched flower
Thats all for today as I'm now working on another new card fold so I am back off to the craft room to create.

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