Monday 25 April 2011

9 weeks old Today

Todays Kitten diaries will be the last in the current series & peanut Butter & jelly went of to live with their new Mummy & Daddy yesterday & have already settled in very well using their new Mummy as a climbing frame, she cant say I didn't warn her.

Jelly keeping warm on my Netbook

She will be a beautiful cat

" No I'm not moving this is a perfect spot warm netbook & sunshine, I'm happy here.

Mum I'm a big boy now, I dont need you to wash behind My ears.
When Alice came to collect the kittens yesterday we weighed them before she took them.
Jelly is the placid one & sat quite happily on the scales.
When she was born she weighed 117g & just 9 weeks on she weighs 780g she gained 663g in that short time.
Weighing Peanut Butter was much harder he is a real livewire & doesn't sit still, so he ended up being weighed about 3 times before we got an actual reading.
When he was born on 21st February he weighed 143g and now 9 weeks on he weighs 1219g his weight increased by a massive 1076g.
So with the kittens going to their new home today it was a funny day but one question remains to be answered!! Did the Daddy cat who got in last week catch Maddie in season? 
Watch this space over the next 4 weeks to see if we are expecting again, obviously part of me hopes not so Maddies body has time to recover, but speaking to the vet he has said providing she is well fed & nourished she will be fine. But there is part of me that has got used to having the babies around.

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