Sunday 22 May 2011

Watch out theres a thief about

As both Paul & I worked yesterday both Abi & Paul met me in the city & we went to Pizza Express for dinner with our Weightwatchers vouchers.
Neither Abi or I could finish our pizza so we had the leftovers as take out. We were only home for about an hour before we went out again to Eaton Park for the grand finale of NNF11 ( The Norfolk & Norwich festival )
This year it wasn't so much a Circus as a High wire / acrobatic act with a story by a group called the Wired Aerial Theatre

As The World Tipped
A Wired Aerial Theatre Production 
Written and Directed by Nigel Jamieson 

A real life disaster movie performed live in the night sky!

This ambitious and extraordinary piece of aerial theatre tells a powerful tale of ecological crisis. Combining dramatic film and visuals with breath-taking aerial performance, As The World Tipped confronts one of the most pressing issues for the planet with spectacle, humour and emotion.

At the Secretariat of the Copenhagen Climate Change conference, harassed staff fail to notice as the world around them, literally and metaphorically, slides toward disaster. Suspended above the audience in the night sky, the performers struggle to control their increasingly precarious world as they do battle with the effects of drastic environmental catastrophe.

Written and directed by Nigel Jamieson, one of the worlds leading creators of outdoor spectacle (Sydney Olympics, Liverpool Capital of Culture), As The World Tipped has been created with the pioneering team from Wired Aerial Theatre.

The show features film footage kindly supplied by Yann Arthus-Bertrand from his film about climate change, Home and by Gideon Mendel from his films about the floods in Pakistan and Australia.

It was amazing & very thought provoking, If you get a chance to see the show then I would Highly recommend it.
Again I digress, back to the pizza leftovers, We never got to eat them as someone got there first.
Sassy not only managed to get the box off the top of the coffee machine, where for some unknown reason Abi thought it would be safe but he managed to open the box, take the pizza out & jump down onto the floor & eat the lot.
I just thought I would share with you my definition of a cat burglar.

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